Cool Chain

AirBridgeCargo expands pharma partnerhip with SkyCell

AirBridgeCargo Airlines (ABC) and Zurich-based cold-chain ULD manufacturer SkyCell have sealed their partnership for the lease of all types of SkyCell containers.

The move will help the freighter carrier which has a dedicated product ‘abc pharma’ – meet the demand for evolving volumes of passive pharmaceutical shipments, which reached around 3,500 tonnes for 1Q 2019 YOY and demonstrated a two-fold increase.

The SkyCell line of passive containers is capable of keeping the  internal temperature within the range of +2° to +8°C and +15°C to +25°C under external temperature excursions from –35°C to +65°C to meet the requirements of various pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as logistics companies involved in a complex transportation process.

“With SkyCell containers we have increased the total number of cold-chain special packaging solutions partners till three, aiming at embracing all leading manufacturers to cater to the needs of different customers.

“SkyCell data-collection enablement supports our intention to move further with ‘Internet of Things’ penetration into the industry and step aside from peer-to-peer data sharing to information transparency and availability.

“On top of this, it fosters an extra piece of mind for our customers to have real-time data in one click,” said Fedor Novikov, deputy general director, products, AirBridgeCargo Airlines.

“ABC has one of the most modern airline fleets and, like SkyCell, is committed to greater transparency in the industry. Together we strive to make pharmaceutical logistics safer, more reliable and more sustainable,” said Richard Ettl, chief executive officer of SkyCell.
